Q: What is the purpose of the Megawatt Scholarship program?

A: Megawatt Scholarships are our commitment to fueling the future of science, technology, engineering, and math—STEM. At One Power, we believe that one of the best ways to give back to the communities that support our Wind for Industry® projects is to invest in the education of the next generation of innovators and leaders. By empowering these bright minds, we’re helping to build the foundation for a smarter tomorrow.

Q: What are the eligibility requirements for Megawatt Scholarships?

A: Most Megawatt Scholarships are designed for high school seniors who are preparing to pursue a STEM-related degree in college. However, specific eligibility criteria might differ depending on the location of the scholarship. To check the requirements for each individual scholarship, click here.

Q: How do I find out if my school district is eligible?

A: All districts eligible for Megawatt Scholarships are listed here.

Q: Why are only some school districts eligible for Megawatt Scholarships?

A: Megawatt Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors in school districts near our Wind for Industry® projects. These scholarships are our way of giving back to the community while promoting STEM education and empowering future innovators.

Q: My school district isn’t listed. Can I still apply?

A: Currently, only students from the school districts listed here are eligible to apply. However, the program is always expanding, so be sure to stay informed by checking back for updates!

Q: Why are some school districts listed for multiple Megawatt Scholarships?

A: Both the application requirements and the eligible school districts vary with each Megawatt Scholarship. The scholarships are awarded to students from districts that neighbor specific Wind for Industry® projects, and in some cases, certain districts may be near more than one project. 

Q: Can I apply for more than one scholarship if my school is eligible for multiple scholarships?

A: Yes, if your school district is near multiple Wind for Industry® projects, you may apply for all the scholarships for which you’re eligible. But remember that while you can apply for multiple scholarships,  you can only win one. 

Q: Can I apply even if I’m not a senior yet?

A: Megawatt Scholarships are available to high school seniors, and in some cases, older students may also qualify. But the awards are presented every year! So, if you’re not a senior yet, don’t worry—just be sure and apply when you are enrolled in 12th grade within an eligible school district. 

Q: When are applications due?

A: Application deadlines vary by scholarship. Be sure to review the specific requirements and deadlines for the award you’re interested in to ensure your application is submitted on time.

Q: When is funding awarded?

A: Megawatt Scholarship recipients are notified each spring, with funding being distributed in June or July.

Q: What is STEM?

A: STEM is an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It’s an interdisciplinary approach to education and careers that is crucial for innovation and problem-solving in today’s world. Students in STEM can go on to a variety of potential careers, including civil engineering, software development, wind turbine manufacturing, meteorology, nursing, and everything in between!

Q: What is Wind for Industry®?

A: Wind for Industry® is One Energy’s name for wind energy projects that enable industrial facilities to significantly cut their reliance on grid electricity by generating clean, renewable power on-site with utility-scale wind turbines. The organizations providing Megawatt Scholarships have all installed Wind for Industry® projects at one or more of their facilities. For each wind turbine installed, a scholarship is made available for a high school senior in a neighboring school district.